LANCE CENTENO & GONZALES SCANDAL – Meet the alleged guy Lance Centeno in the Scandal video of the TikTok sensation Via Gonzales.
Controversial video by popular social media influencer Via Gonzales is currently circulating on various social media platforms and online websites. The video elicited reactions from the public.
WATCH ALSO| “Via Gonzalez Viral Full Private Video Leaks“
The lady influencer has asked the public to stop spreading the first controversial video of her intimate moment with her boyfriend. Controversial footage was reportedly leaked online following their breakup.

Recently, Via Gonzales has become one of the most trending topics on Twitter after the alleged “Part 2” of his scandal scandal spread online. Netizens have also revealed the identity of her ex-girlfriend.
Over the past few days, the TikTok sensation Via Gonzales has been one of the most controversial personalities on social media after her private video together with her ex-boyfriend Lance Centeno. The video is now circulating online.

Recently, a Twitter user named Rjay Reyes claims on his post that the Gmail account of Lance Centeno was hacked. Reyes also said that Centeno is now asking top stop sharing the scandal video.
SEE ALSO| “Via Gonzalez Viral Full Private Video Leaks“
Centeno also defended himself and explained that someone used his drive and posted her private video on social media.
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